70-годишният фитнес инфлуенсър

Ако тя го може, то какво е вашето извинение?

“Преди бавно, но сигурно умирах, сега знам, че ще продължа да живея.”

На 74 години Джоан Макдоналд може да се похвали с по-добре оформено тяло от много от жените на по 30 или дори 20 години.

И не, причината не е защото е започнала от малка и през целия си живот е била силно активна личност. Всъщност нейното пътешествие по пътеката на здравословния начин на живот и тренировките започва след 70-тия й рожден ден.

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Where are you going to go once it is safe to travel again? I’m heading straight to Tulum to see my daughter @yourhealthyhedonista and my son-in-law @jeanjacquesbarrett and enjoy some king prawn at @posadamargherita . 💕💕 This is where I was supposed to spending all of April to celebrate my 74th birthday. I also had a team of great girls, @lizzypicardi my videographer, and @janellefitmarks my assistant, who were planning out tons of great YouTube videos to share more of this fitness lifestyle at 70 with you. BUT!! When life throws us lemons, we’ve got to come together and make lemonade, right? So, I’ve been learning how to take my own videos instead. I learned how to take my own photos too (I took the photos for the @womensbest Camo launch all by myself😅)! I’ve learned how to send them to my team using wetransfer. 😅And now Lizzy is teaching me how to take my own YouTube style cooking videos. 😳 The learning just never ends for this lady! 🤪 If you think learning a new language is hard, try learning how to really use an iPhone in your 70s. I guess what I want to tell you today is: don’t give up. Find a way to put a positive spin on things, always. The human spirit is an incredibly resourceful thing, when you chose to be happy. Trust me, I’ve had my share of tears and frustrations dealing with changed plans this year but I don’t let myself wallow in it. Happiness is a choice you get to make every day. Nobody but you can chose the attitude you will have towards life’s challenges. The same things I try to live by in these challenging times, I tried to teach to my own kids as they were growing up. The key to your own happiness is in your own two hands. If you live by this rule, you will be that soul who lights up the darkness for others. . Tomorrow I’ll be hosting another Instagram LIVE video at 8:00 am EDT (Toronto time). It will be an upper body circuit lasting about 30 minutes. Please bring a medium weight long looped band, 2 4L water jugs with handles, and 2 1-1.5 l cleaning detergent bottles with handles. If you have kettlebells and dumbbells, those work too. See you tomorrow!! Let’s keep on staying positive, strong, and keep our hope alive! ❤️ Joan

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След години без ограничения в диетата и застоял начин на живот, тя осъзнава, че ако не предприеме драстични мерки, не би успяла да се справи в битката със здравословните проблеми.

Затова и се мотивирала да промени изцяло ежедневието си и да започне малко по малко да вмъква тренировки в рутината си. Нейният старт е бил в съвсем аматьорската зона – без да има силата да вдигне петкилограмови гирички, тя първо експериментирала с тренировки със собственото си тегло.

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You can do these at home, so give them a go! Warning though they are hard. 💪💪 Reverse hip lifts… Like all exercises they key to doing getting the benefits comes down to good form and great effort. If I had just done these on my own with no coaching I would have done these all wrong to be honest. Having someone coach me through the technical parts of the exercise have made all the difference over the last three years. One thing my coach tells me is that I really listen and give it my all. I hope I can pass that intention along to you. Always remember, if a little old lady like me can learn to do these things, So. Can. You! 👵🏼👵🏼👵🏼 First off, use a medicine ball or anything with some weight, and hold it over your head so your arms are with your ears. You can see this was a tough one for me. 😅 Next get your legs nice and tight, and I like to cross mine at the ankles so they don’t flop around on me. Now pull your tummy in , keep your head off the floor, and slowly roll your hips up off the ground. SO HARD 😭 Finally think of touching the ceiling with your feet. Really lift the legs up high! Don’t bring the legs to your tummy ✖️✖️ Do the opposite even though it’s much harder. The legs need to go up and the hips need to lift up too. Now, the last nail in the coffin is to slowly roll the hips back down to the ground without tucking those knees in. In fact, try to avoid any swinging movement with the legs. Your abs will burn like 🔥 , I promise you. As my coach keeps telling me, slow and controlled is alway going to be better for beginners. I hope you give these a try and please tag me if you do these today and I’ll reshare it in my story 💕💕 Let’s all stay healthy and strong together! We are not giving up no matter what!! With love Joan 💕💕

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Днес Джоан е загубила около 30 килограма и вдига редовно тежести във фитнеса (когато е отворен, разбира се). Това, от което е най-горда, е, че е успяла да постигне такова здравословно състояние, че не й се налага да приема хапчета за кръвно и висок холистерол повече.

Разбира се, никак не е било лесно – въпреки че постоянно работи с физиотерапевти и професионални треньори, тя е претърпяла няколко травми, но това никога не я е спирало. Благодарение на подкрепата на дъщеря й, която е състезател в конкурси за бодибилдинг, тя продължава да намира мотивация всеки ден да дава всичко от себе си.

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Good morning everyone 💕💕 I have so many new followers now that I think it’s time I introduced myself again. My name is Joan 👵🏼 I’m 73 years old (my birthday is March 30th). I grew up in Newfoundland in a small village that was very remote. When I was a girl my family moved to Cobourg Ontario and I still live there today. I battled my weight for most of my life and in my forties I gave in. At 5’3” I weighed 198 lbs with a 39” waist. I had high blood pressure, high cholesterol, acid reflux and arthritis. I still enjoyed life, but as I got older and my health became worse I was irritable, often depressed and felt hopeless. In 2017 I joined an online program for women and committed to getting into shape. I had no expectations. I just wanted to get off my medication and stay out of the hospital. My daughter was my coach and she called me every week to make sure I was doing okay. In the first month I lost over ten pounds, and it kept coming off steadily. The first year I lost 45 lbs. The second year I lost another 10 lbs. This most recent year I lost another ten pounds. I eat five meals a day. My macros are 150 g Protein, 120 g Carbs and 50 g fat daily. They change every now and again but not too much. I lift weights 5 x week. I do cardio almost daily for about 20-30 minutes. I take a multivitamin, collagen, Creatine and BCAAS by @womensbest I use protein powder 1 x day in a delicious shake that satisfies my sweet tooth! ☺️ I also meditate in the morning to help control my mindset. I don’t want to ever stop this journey. I will never skip my workouts because I will never go back to where I was. 🙏 I hope my story helps you to keep going. There is nothing that compares to great health. 💪💪 It’s great to meet you! If there is anything else you want to know please comment below. 🙏

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“Надявам се повече жени на моята възраст да се оставят близките им да ги подтикнат да се погрижат за себе си и да се вслушат в съветите на хората, които ги обичат. Въпреки че не можем да върнем часовника назад, можем да го навием отново”, заявява Джоан.



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